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Relationship with Shareholders

We conduct IR activities to promote a greater understanding among our shareholders and investors by providing fair and accurate information on our management policies, business strategies, and financial performance.

Information Disclosure Policy

We disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and related regulations as well as the “Timely disclosure rules and other regulations for issuers of listed negotiable  securities or valuable instruments” of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Furthermore, we strive to ensure that any other material information that may affect investment decisions is also delivered to all market participants in an equitable manner.

Shareholder and Investor Engagement

General Shareholders Meeting

We schedule our annual general shareholders meeting after taking the convenience of shareholders into careful consideration and avoiding days on which many shareholders’ meetings are held by other companies. Invitations are sent far in advance to provide sufficient time for shareholders to examine the proposed resolutions and state of our operations.
To nurture greater understanding of the Company, we also organize an explanatory meeting to share our initiatives and field questions from shareholders.

Explanatory Meeting

Communication with Institutional Investors

We conduct briefings for institutional investors to report on our earnings twice a year and organize one-on-one meetings as well. We also promote active communication by inviting them to take a factory tour so they can become more familiar with our operations.

  • Earnings result briefing
  • Company tour for institutional investors
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Earnings Result Briefings Twice
(total: 69 participants)
(total: 39 participants)
(total: 41 participants)
One-on-One Meetings 98 organizations 87 organizations 89 organizations

Basic Policy on Profit Distribution to Shareholders

We state that our key management objective is to achieve sustainable growth through business expansion and performance improvement, while maintaining financial soundness and providing returns to shareholders. On the basis of an overall consideration of securing sufficient retained profit for capital investment and R&D expenditure necessary for business expansion, financial status, and future performance , we have set a target level of shareholder return ratio (total payout ratio) at 70% of consolidated net income. We will dynamically determine the shareholder return ratio for each fiscal year, based on our business performance and environment and capital needs. To stay abreast of a rapidly changing economic environment and technological innovation, we will use retained earnings to implement measures in the mid-term business plan, strengthen our business model, including M&A, and invest for future growth, and also make strategic inventory investments that take advantage of our strength in stable long-term supply. Through these measures, we aim to substantially increase corporate value through business expansion and performance improvement while distributing the results to shareholders.

Basic Policy on Profit Distribution to Shareholders

Shareholder Benefit Plan

As a special shareholder benefit, we are offering a 20% discount on product purchases from our direct sales site, EIZO Direct. We hope that our shareholders can use our products more easily, experience a comfortable imaging environment, and deepen their understanding of our company. (Only in Japan)