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Compatibility between FlexScan Monitors and Graphics Boards Equipped with DisplayPort (NVIDIA)

Applicable Monitors: FlexScan SX2462W, S2433W, EV2333W, SX2262W, S2243W, S2233W

Tested on: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and Windows XP Professional Edition SP3

This information is provided based on our in-house testings and we do not guarantee the compatibility in respective user environments. Installation of the latest drivers or OSes should be implemented at your own risk. We do not take any responsibility for any trouble or damage that could occur from the installations.


There is no problem found displaying with their native resolution.

Graphics boards Driver OSes Monitors
EV2333W S2433W
NVIDIA Quadro FX380LP 191.87 Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Windows XP Professional Edition SP3
Yes Yes Yes
NVIDIA Quadro FX1800 Yes Yes1 Yes
NVIDIA Quadro FX3800 Yes Yes Yes
NVIDIA Quadro FX4800 Yes Yes Yes
NVIDIA Quadro FX5800 Yes1 Yes Yes
  1. 1 Display of BIOS images is not available.

When changing the resolution of the monitor or setting it to a multi-monitor display on Windows XP, the monitor may not display any images. In such cases, turn the monitor off and on or detach and attach the DisplayPort cable.

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