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Occupational Health and Safety

EIZO Group Occupational Health and Safety Basic Policy

The EIZO Group will create workplaces where all members are able to work safely and in good health. We established the following policies, endeavor to eradicate occupational incidents, and establish and implement activities concerning occupational health and safety.

  1. Conduct periodic assessments to identify occupational health and safety risks and implement appropriate countermeasures.
  2. Raise awareness of maintaining and improving physical, mental, and emotional health and continually improve the health and safety of our members through on-going collaboration between the companies and its employees.
  3. Establish an occupational health and safety management system and occupational health and safety goals, implement, review and continually improve performance.
  4. Create opportunities for participation and consultation on occupational health and safety issues between members and the companies and ensure open communication between them.
  5. Regularly educate members about occupational health and safety.
  6. Comply with legal, moral and all other requirements regarding occupational health and safety.
  7. Investigate and analyze the cause of any occupational accidents that may occurs and ensure corrective action is taken.
  8. Prepare and provide training so that prompt measures are taken should an accident occur.

April.26, 2019
Mr. Kiyotaka Hira
Operating Officer
General Affairs

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

At EIZO Corporation and EIZO MS Corporation, which account for 80% of our product manufacturing, we have implemented a labor safety and health management system. We continuously improve safety and health for everyone working on-site and have achieved ISO 45001 certification.

At these facilities, we conduct regular workplace safety and health patrols and hazard prediction training to enhance employee education and safety awareness. We also implement risk assessment methods to investigate and address potential hazards or harmful conditions. For specialized tasks involving chemicals, we carry out chemical risk assessments, verify substances using safety data sheets, ensure proper use of protective equipment, and strive to reduce risks. Additionally, we work on reducing traffic accidents related to work and commuting, and have established systems to respond to emergencies such as fires and earthquakes. We continuously improve based on the results of regular training. In FY2023, based on the results of our risk assessment, we implemented physical measures and safety education for high-risk equipment operations. In addition, to reduce traffic accidents, we undertook education regarding accident prevention and driving habits. For disaster prevention, due to continuously implementing measures and drills involving our equipment, when the Noto Peninsula earthquake occurred on January 1, 2024, we were able to minimize damage to our business and were also able to confirm the safety of our employees in a timely manner. In FY2024 we have systematically implemented improvements to further enhance safety. We seek to prevent industrial accidents at overseas group companies as well, through initiatives such as organizing employee training and distributing handbooks on industrial accidents.

FY2024 Occupational Health and Safety Targets (Group companies in Japan)

FY2023 FY2024
Targets Results Targets Key Implemented Items
●Zero serious accidents Zero Zero Physical measures for machinery and equipment
Measures for reducing physically demanding work
Standardization of safety work procedures
●Occupational accident frequency rate: 0.00 0.00 0.00
●Reduce risk of workplace accidents Equipment improvement / Safety training ▲11%
●Zero serious traffic accidents resulting in injury or death Zero Zero Increase in the rate of employees whose driving habit do not cause accidents
●Improve employee driving habits Execute safety training Improve driving habits
●Complete disaster prevention drills Implement disaster prevention drills
Increase of 218 paramedic personnel
Complete disaster measures Construction to improve seismic resistance of buildings
easures to prevent objects dropping from logistics warehouse racks
Review of Earthquake Response Procedures ➡ Conduct Drills

FY2024 Health and Productivity Management Targets (Group companies in Japan)

FY2023 FY2024
Targets Results Targets Key Implemented Items
●KPI (1) Improve absenteeism
Rate of injury or sick leave: Mental health related 1.3% ➡ 0.8%
Other than mental health related 2.3% ➡ 1.8%
Mental health related 0.6%
Other than mental health related 0.8%
●KPI (2) Improve employee engagement
Engagement scores: 2.4/4.0 ➡ 2.7/4.0
2.4/4.0 2.7/4.0
●Behavior change target (1)
Reduce the number of employees at high risk of lifestyle-related diseases: 9.1% ➡ 8%
10.2% 8% Improvement in rate of requests for follow-up health checkups
●Behavior change target (2)
improvement of driving habit rate: 19.6% ➡ 25%
18.2% 25% EIZO Group Health Challenge 2024
●Behavior change target (3)
Reduce high aggregate rates of workplace stress seen in the results of stress tests: 29% ➡ 15%
23% 15% Improvement activities based on the results of group (stress) analysis