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National Diversity

EIZO comprises 19 companies globally (as of August 2024), with our diverse workforce contributing to our success.
While respecting the human rights of each employee and promoting a mutual understanding of different cultures, the entire group works cohesively to develop our business.
Top management at each group company are local nationals, who leverage the diversity of local conditions, cultures, and practices in our economic activities, making EIZO even stronger. They work diligently to create great workplace environments for employees.

Promotion of Women's Advancement

We ensure that all employees are fairly and equitably evaluated with respect to hiring and promotion, regardless of gender. To improve the percentage of female managers in Group companies in Japan, we have an action plan for women's advancement, and we are working to improve the working environment so female employees can play leading roles in their workplace. Our plan incorporates measures such as providing training for selected management and mid-level employees, as well as active participation of female employees in recruitment activities.

Composition of Managers (as of March 31, 2024)

Male Female Total Ratio of Females(%)
Japan 132 3 135 2.2
Overseas 79 25 104 24.0
Total 211 28 239 11.7

Shifting status of women’s active participation (at group companies in Japan)

Shifting status of women’s active participation

Ratio of men and women by job type (EIZO unconsolidated, total positions) (as of March 31, 2024)

Ratio of men and women by job type

Employment of Persons with Disabilities

We strive to ensure fair employment and develop worker-friendly environments for persons with disabilities by fully observing the laws of each country, so that these employees can demonstrate their talents in a variety of workplaces. In Japan, we actively engage in recruitment efforts such as participating in joint company information sessions for people with disabilities and accept internships. We always seek to improve our workplace environment while creating work opportunities for people with disabilities as we expand our business.

Number and Ratio of Employees with Disabilities (as of March 31, each fiscal year)

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan 28 30 28
Overseas 6 6 6
Total 34 36 34
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employment rate of persons with disabilities (Japan) (%) 1.60 1.94 2.09 2.00

Promote the activities of senior employees

We have raised the retirement age from 60 to 65 in our group companies in Japan as of April 2024. By continuing to value employees after the age of 60, we aim to create an environment where capable and energetic employees can thrive, and to maintain and enhance employee motivation.

Additionally, we plan to systematically pass on the rich experience of senior employees to the next generation, thereby contributing to the continued stability and sustainability of our organization and business.