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Enterprise License for IP Decoding Solutions
An upgrade license for DuraVision IP decoding solutions that grants additional features and functions for advanced operation in security & surveillance environments.
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EIZO's lineup of IP decoding solutions include 23 and 27-inch monitors, as well as an external box solution, that connect to an IP camera or switch with just a LAN cable. In addition to the plethora of features available in the standard edition (factory default), users can subscribe to an optional Enterprise License which includes advanced features to meet specific environment or application requirements.

What is an IP Decoding Monitor?

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Display up to 32 Screens

The DuraVision FDF2312W-IP is a 23-inch IP decoding monitor that supports the display of up to 16 cameras on the monitor (standard) or 32 screens with the Enterprise License. In addition, flexible arrangement of the screens in a custom layout allows you to fulfill individual viewing needs.

Adjustable Screen Layout

The DuraVision FDF2712W-IP (27-inch) and DX0212-IP (IP box) can display up to 32 screens as standard.



Register up to 48 Cameras

Register up to 48 Cameras

The DuraVision FDF2312W-IP can register up to 16 IP cameras, including 4K cameras, through the intuitive web UI. With the Enterprise License, you can register an additional 32 cameras, for a total of 48. Cameras can be discovered automatically or registered manually, and individual settings are easily managed centrally through the web UI.

The DuraVision FDF2712W-IP and DX0212-IP can register up to 48 cameras as standard.




Streaming Gateway

The Enterprise License enables access to EIZO's Streaming Gateway for DuraVision DX0212-IP. With the Streaming Gateway, the DX0212-IP takes incoming video from IP cameras and transmits it to either a second IP box or IP decoding monitor (FDF2712W-IP or FDF2312W-IP) for displaying in live viewing environments.

Streaming Gateway Configuration

IP Decoding Box as Receiver
IP Box and HDMI Monitor

IP Decoding Monitor as Receiver
IP Box and IP Monitor


Stable Transmission

The Streaming Gateway uses RTSP or SRT protocols for stable video transmission, even over narrow bandwidth networks or networks with fluctuating stability.

For SRT transmission, receiver monitor or box requires Enterprise License Extension SRT in addition to the Enterprise License. Contact EIZO for details.

Stable Transmission



Merge Mode

In Merge Mode, video from multiple IP cameras is output as a single, tiled video stream. This significantly reduces heavy network traffic compared to the simultaneous output of separate streams, while also maintaining stream quality. The single stream is output as RTSP or SRT to ensure stable transmission.

Merge Mode supports up to 32 camera streams.

Merge Mode

Relay Mode

Relay Mode processes incoming video streams and redistributes them to target live view environments. An incoming stream is processed within the IP decoding platform and output and displayed on multiple monitors without burdening the camera with multiple, simultaneous transmissions.

Relay Mode supports up to 48 camera streams.

Conventional Transmission Method
Conventional Transmission Method

With Streaming Gateway
With Streaming Gateway



Playback Recorded Video

Video segments recorded to the registered IP camera's SD card can be played back for quick review. Simply select the camera and the recorded data from the pull-down menu.

Supported by cameras with Panasonic or AXIS protocols only.
Requires Extension Playback License in addition to the Enterprise License. Contact EIZO for details.


Playback Recorded Video



View Remote Monitor Live Streams via the Web UI

Live video streams displayed on remotely located monitors can be viewed in real-time via the web UI so operators can check display status without needing to visit the installation site.

Video plays back at 1 fps in the live stream window.

View Remote Monitor Live Streams via the Web UI
Remote IP decoding monitor. Livestream View shows the content currently displayed on the selected remote monitor.



Live Image Menu Customization

Customize the live view menu with preset icons of your choice using the Icon arranger function. You can also save up to seven custom layout presets and add it to the live view menu. Presets can also be renamed for easier menu navigation.

Live Image Menu Customization
Arrange icons under the Display options. Changes are reflected on the target monitor.



Screen Rotation

The screen can be rotated to adapt to the monitor in portrait position for environments requiring this layout.

Screen Rotation
Landscape Mode Portrait Mode with Screen Rotation



VMS Failover

When used with a VMS (video management software/system), a monitor receives IP camera video streams through the VMS server. In the event the server is disrupted, the monitor may stop displaying the live video feed. With the failover feature, if the IP monitor or box loses communication with the VMS server, it connects directly to the cameras registered to continue to display video.

Requires Extension Failover License in addition to the Enterprise License. Contact EIZO for details.

VMS Failover



Support for a Range of Protocols

SRT (Secure Reliable Transport)

SRT (Secure Reliable Transport)SRT is an open source video transport protocol that enables the delivery of high-quality and secure, low-latency video across the public internet. It is ideal for video streaming in environments where latency and consistent connection pose a challenge, such as onboard ships or in remote locations.

Read more here.

Requires Extension SRT License in addition to the Enterprise License. Contact EIZO for details.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

LDAP is a protocol for connecting to directory services that centrally manage network devices and users. User and password management is simple and secure when under the LDAP server.

AXIS SRTP (Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol)

AXIS SRTP support enables the IP monitor or box to receive encrypted video streams from AXIS cameras, further increasing security.



60-Day Trial Version

A 60-day trial version for the Enterprise License is available and includes all extension features. Contact EIZO for details.    


System Requirements


IP Decoding Box -
IP Decoding Monitor 27.0" IP
23.0" IP


Security & Surveillance Visual Solutions
9.43 MB




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